Master Inspired Art Workshop

Be inspired – Join us in experiencing art history with all of our senses

Art attains its appreciation and admiration only when an onlooker enjoys it as much as the artist did in creating it. Every work of art is incomplete in itself, when we enjoy art, we extend it, we improve it, and we make it our own. 

Taking that passion one step further - to another level of art appreciation - we have recently added a series to the Through the Eyes of the Artist program called the Master Inspired Art Workshop. This series is an interactive art program in which you will not only learn about the featured classic artist, but also create art inspired by their work.

The workshop begins with a thirty minute overview of the featured artist followed by a project overview, and a ninety minute step by step workshop to create your own masterpiece using the highest quality art supplies. A ribbon of classical period music softly plays in the background to kindle and enhance the experience.

In addition to your very own master work of art each student will receive a biographical overview of the artist with their featured works of art, and a notecard memento. 

Through this interactive discovery, we will gain an insight into the experience of human existence, and realize that we share a common thread, identify with the artist, and appreciate even more the value of their work.

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Contact me for details of the artist lecture series program or the master inspired art workshop.  Let’s take a look at how we might be able to fit in to your schedule!